Early Childhood Subcommittee
Our mission
It is our mission to advocate, educate, and engage the community in the health and development of all children in the early years. Through our advocacy, we will promote child-friendly policies, systems, and environments with a focus on equity.
All children in Fullerton are given opportunities to build a strong foundation for school and life by caring and prepared adults.
subcommittee Organization members
Member: Lydia Palacios
Contact Information: lpalacios@fullerton.edu
Member: Caleb Beller
Contact Information: caleb@calvaryfullerton.org
Members: Mary Bueno, Jessie Jones
Contact Information: mbueno@fullerton.edu jjones@fullerton.edu
Members: Guadalupe Diaz Lara, Amy Santos
Contact Information:
gdiaz-lara@fullerton.edu amsantos@fullerton.edu -
Contact Information: earlychildhoodoc@gmail.com
Member: Jennifer Kinkel
Contact Information: JKinkel@fullcoll.edu
Member: Lisa Wozab
Contact Information: lisa@awc-cwc.com
Members: Helene Morris, Daniela Arbizzi, Trang Lai, and Linda Prieto
Contact Information: helene_morris@myfsd.org daniela_arbizzi@myfsd.org trang_lai@myfsd.org linda_prieto@myfsd.org
Member: Ilse Miranda
Contact Information: ilse488@hotmail.com
Member: Deanna Parga
Contact Information: dparga@choc.org
Member: Jason Wenneberg
Contact Information: jason@karateOC.com
Member: Janira Perez
Contact Information: jperez@momsoforangecounty.org
Member: Linda Langgle
Contact Information: llanggle@noce.edu
Member: Sarah Shawesh
Contact Information: ocaeycpresident@ocaeyc.com
Members: Erick Medina and Gina Osborne
Contact Information: emedina@ochca.com gosborne@ochca.com
Member: Paulette Chaffee
Contact Information: paulette.chaffee@gmail.com
Members: Claudia Espinoza and Karla Miranda
Contact Information: cespinoza@theprioritycenter.org kmiranda@theprioritycenter.org
Early Childhood OC: https://earlychildhoodoc.org
Help Me Grow: https://www.helpmegrowoc.org
Fullerton SD CDS: https://www.fullertonsd.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1145021&type=d&pREC_ID=1147284
St. Jude Medical Center: providence.org/stjudemedicalcenter
Reimagine OC: reimagineoc.org
StartWell: https://startwelloc.org