Become A Member
The Fullerton Collaborative is made of an array of individuals and organizations from across the spectrum who are all working for the betterment of the city. We would love to have you become a member and play a part in the next movement within the city.
Community leaders and city members are an integral part of the collaborative work in Fullerton. Individual memberships are only $30 a year.
Organizations, Education, and Churches are welcome. Membership’s annual dues are on a sliding scale according to your annual budget.
More than $10,000,000………….$1,450 a yr
$2,000,000 to $9,999,999…………$625 a yr
$1,000,000 - $1,999,999….……….$325 a yr
$500,000 - $999,999……………....$175 a yr
$250,000 - $499,000………………$85 a yr
Less than $250,000………………….$65 a yr
Every other month the Fullerton Collaborative gathers 40-75 individuals representing 50+ non-profits, churches, educational institutions, and civic leaders at the Community room at Fullerton Public Library. If your business is interested in sponsoring a meeting please contact Debbie at
251+ employees………………….….$1,450 a yr
101-250 employees………………….$625 a yr
21-100 employees…………….…….$325 a yr
6-20 employees …………………….$175 a yr
5 or less employees………………….$85 a yr
1 meeting ……………… $100
3 meetings ………………$250
Annual sponsorship …..…$600
Donated Goods:
Each meeting the Fullerton Collaborative does a give away raffle for products, gift-cards, and merchandise from local Fullerton businesses. Interested in donating a gift basket, please contact Debbie at