The new Fullerton Joint Union High School District (FJUHSD) Superintendent Steve McLaughlin, Ed.D. will join us to share the vision of the high school district and how to work collectively with teachers and professionals serving our youth. We will also hear how the county is working in Fullerton with the Partners 4 Wellness (formerly NCADDOC). There will be a update on the COVID19 Vac- cine and efforts impacting the health of our community dur- ing the pandemic.
There will also have reports from our Health & Wellness (MMEH), Early Childhood Education, Homelessness Task Force, and next gen youth empowerment (formerly At-Risk Youth) subcommittees and their work with the current COVID-19 guidelines. They will share how we can collectively address issues impacting Fullerton.
Members will be invited to share changes in their work since the pandemic and how they play an important part to this collective impact in future.